Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas..uhh Holiday Decor/Crafting

Over the past two weeks I've been doing a lot of decor/crafting. The sad part is I haven't even started my actual Christmas presents (well the ones that I'm going to make). But, at least I've purchased all the supplies, and have all of my other gifts bought, so maybe in that sense I'm somewhat ahead.

Idea from family circle
I saw these pinecones in felt, but decided to try them out with paper (standard brown construction and glossy silver) and they make excellent ornaments and/or adornments for presents.

My mom had this awesome idea to make topiaries and I'm loving the holiday cheer of something fresh and the great pine smell it has brought to my studio.

I decorated my classroom with an array of Christmas things. The wooden tree I bought last year at the Art Museum gift shop and the hand-painted Santa was a Goodwill find for only $5. Ahh isn't he so cute?!

I felt bad about not including other holidays so I found this great Martha Stewart template for dreidel place settings and used a Google image for the star of David to create a make-shift garland. Yep definitely had to include Kwanzaa too. So I used construction paper to create a jig-saw flag and put the commemorative stamp on top.

For the good old studio I made a quick little garland with dollar store "foam coasters" a glue gun and twine. I also went a little crazy with the baby glass ornaments that I got from Ikea by hanging them on my regular fake tree plant. My Cross Country Kids are the best ever and they signed a fake mum plant to make up for the ones that I got stolen in the fall. I decided I clearly had to add it to my holiday decor so I inserted some colored lights into the flowers. Pretty excited with my new holiday additions. You might even remember my Zebra Zeby (he has an updated holiday tie if you look closely). Can't wait to use these Trader Joe's bags in wrapping and might even make the garland on the sides!


Jordan said...

Yay for not being the only one who loves dorky craft projects! Especially Christmas ones. You've been busy :) Looks great!w

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Cute post! Love the name of your blog <3


vAniLLa hEaveN said...

thanks ladies! I also did dorky craft projects for presents, hence the reason I haven't had any time to blog since this post! Happy Holidays!

Tasia |Ruffles and Sequins| said...

Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes <3


Harija said...

love this post =)
Neat post and love your blog... would you like to follow each other!


My Lyfe ; My Story