Sunday, December 16, 2007

where are you christmas

Every year in the days leading up to Christmas I need to listen to the Cindy Lou Hoo version of "Where are you Christmas?" I feel as though it is a self-torture type thing. And speaking of torture 15 of us ran the 3k at Blue & White, with 9 under ten minutes-crazy. BUT anyway, the song is a whole self-reflection of how she doesn't know where Christmas has gone and how she was so "carefree" before and now she's not.

So to double my sentimentality as I was reading Charmed Thirds (which is semi-impressive in itself because I feel like the only thing I've read this semester is forced eh-hem-BRIT LIT) I came across another all-too-accurate Christmas reference. Jessica Darling goes off on this rant and says:

Think about the very concept of Santa for a second: A fat senior citizen in a
tacky red suit flies around in a sleigh pulled by magic reindeer, delivering
gifts for all the good little boys and girls in the world in just one night.
It's absurd. Yet kids totally buy it. Totally. And in small children that pure,
untainted faith is a beautiful thing.

Well, I completely agree. I think we try to live our lives as though we have this ultimate faith. We, unlike the little children who actually believe in Santa, have to convince ourselves that anything is possible. I mean my own motto in life is: I'm not afraid to fall. It's from wayyy back in middle school when I was a hurdler and felt the pain of Muhlenberg's finest cinder track in my knee after an awful spill as my mom tried to clean it out with peroxide and a toothbrush. Ouch. Of course it also applied to when I tore my ACL, and went back to playing. The list goes on, but the point being, of course I was afraid to fall. I just did a darn good job of convincing myself I wasn't.

That also may be why Dispatch's "The General" is my all-time favorite song. To me, to go into something when you already know you are defeated is extremely admirable.

So where does this apply now? I honestly have no clue. Maybe I'm just trying to comment on the fact that after we realize our "Santa Claus" doesn't really exist a lot of other things come crashing down as well. Or, we take the other route and we still wake up early on Christmas morning with the excitement of seeing if he has eaten all the cookies (and of course what presents we've received). Hmm..

Monday, December 10, 2007


soo i think this song is semi-cheesy..but currently i love it. it applies to my life on so many levels.

"Call N Return (Say Tha Your Into Me)"You promised me starry night skiesThey just remind me of your shining bright eyesI'm missing your voice at night timeThis sepa-separation seem-seems a sad crimeB-b-b-but don't don't don't think think think I forgot you you youAre are are oh so sweet I I I - I knewIf only you were hereThings would be more magicalIf I was thereRight now would be more radicalYou're so not nearI'm wishing I could place a callAnd feel closer to you ooo-oooThe miles of air and road and landThat separate me from all my plansWere havin' havin' havin' havin' funBut something something tells me I miss someoneB-but I hope hope hope you didn't forget me I couldn'tForget you the whole time I always knew I knewSay that you're into me, let me know how it will beIf you don't know just say soI'll wait till the perfect time think of all the perfect linesI'll make sure if I let you knowWe've got movies on our list to seeThings to do just you and meCalls to make from here to there and backWe've got fun to have and days to spendStars to see or just pretendAt least for now just keep things right on track.

so here's to trying to actually finish some work.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

It's good to be scared, it means you still have something to lose

Ahh Grey's is back on and I'm so happy. I've been a slacker on here and I'm going to try to be better if that just means leaving silly/sentimental quotes.

So my away message for today is:
I was thinking about the lagoon in Central Park, down near Central Park South. I was wondering if it would be frozen over when I got home, and if it was, where did the ducks go. I was wondering where the ducks went when the lagoon got all icy and frozen over. I wondered if some guy came in a truck and took them away to a zoo or something. Or if they just flew away.

I <3 Holden Caulfield.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


ahh i created a blog. we have been talking about int'l blogs in my global comm course and it inspired me to make one. (well also the fact that I read my Xanga from HS, and the fact that I haven't kept any form of a journal other than my running log in college, served as catalysts). well i gotta go get my stuff together for practice. workout today. first one for winter track.

Fro-Yo with Katie stuff.
