Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Resurgence of Vanilla Heaven

So after a VERY long hiatus from my rookie attempt at blogging I've decided to come back to it for a few reasons. Firstly, throughout the Spring/Summer I have had the opportunity of perusing through and, two amazing blogs by two awesome ladies that I've had the opportunity to become friends with at PSU. In wanting some inspiration for quick recipes, I've gathered ideas from both of these blogs. Secondly, in my past two years as a teacher I have strayed away from my writing quite a bit. I have definitely done my fair share of writing lesson plans, and grading papers, but really haven't reached for any form of self-expression other than creating new curriculum and xc and track workouts. Lastly, I just moved out of my townhouse in Manayunk and now have all of my belongings in my new studio in Pennsport. I feel that trying to turn a studio into a nice new home will be a challenge with the space that I am working with, but will be perfect for do-it-yourself blogs. So the goal of this re-incarnation of my blog will not be simply to write, and comment on life, but to share: my new place's makeover, little delight recipes I come across, new fun apps or programs (for my techie side), and any other of life's vanilla heavens that I decide to share. I'll try my best to stay committed to this and update my blog from the 2000s of it's early existence. <33

P.S. for a fun Summer app check at Hipstamatic, it's been around for a few years, but nothing beats the beachy scenes that I was able to capture at sunrise today. Will post my favorites later:

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