Sunday, September 21, 2008

Yes dear, it is hard & you can do hard things.

I guess I'm a horrible blogger. I haven't updated in forever--even though there has been so much to write about.

Firstly, I decided to do the Professional Development School so this entire year I am actually student teaching at State College High School. I figure, this way I will know whether or not teaching is truly for me, or if I should go the whole broadcast/communications route. Hmm..I don't really know how to rate my first bulletin board..maybe a C?
"Yes dear, it is hard and you can do hard things"
is actually from my one mentor teacher; I'm working with two different teachers and two different grades (9&10). She explained to our students that yes, her class will be tough, but she believes in them. She told the class how her mom used to tell her this as a little girl and it really got me thinking.
I feel too often we dismiss that which is hard. For myself I know that running a 6k of cross country is one of the toughest things to do each weekend and half of me can't wait for the fall to be over; however, I know each time when I actually put myself out there and try to do those "hard things" I'm making myself not only a better runner, but a better person. Very cliche but true. It's the whole Emily Dickinson quote:
"success is counted sweetest to those who ne'r succeed."
If everything we do in life was a walk in the park, then we wouldn't even count our successes as successes they would just be every day commonalities.
So I've had two pretty awful meets. If I'm able to put a race together before the end of the season I know it's going to mean so much more. It's like the weather in State College. It's just so crappy most of the time, but when it is actually nice we all realize it.
On the other hand, I realized yesterday how much I take my parents for granted. They are in Punta Cana for their 25th wedding anni and for the first time EVER I didn't get to talk to them after my race. I was a mess...well..and still kinda am and can't wait for them to come back!
So basically to bring this full circle, yes life is hard. But you know what? It's the hard times that make you appreciate what you truly have.

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